Saturday, April 17, 2010

I've been keeping a secret from you....

I know how I am. I start things and I don't complete them. I really struggle with commitment... ESPECIALLY when it comes to working out...

So, when Vlad came up with the idea about 5 weeks ago that his best friend, Dima, and I should work out together in the mornings before work, I decided that I wouldn't blog about it until I actually did it and kept doing it for a while......

It's been almost 6 weeks and my alarm clock rings every weekday morning at 530am...I promptly wake up long enough to hit the snooze button and, nine minutes later, when the alarm rings again, I stumble out of bed and head to the bathroom to pee and I just can't miss....

It's my new mantra....for some reason, the daily reminder keeps me going. AND....getting to be a coach does too!!

Dima and I split our workouts. I am the coach of our weight and plyometrics circuit and Dima is the coach of cardio. It's been great creating workouts for us to do that are fun as well as intense and challenging. I incorporate weights but most of the things that we do are body weight plyometrics that kick some serious ass and give real life strength.

Anyway, so, today we got together at 8am (it's Saturday, people) and I made us do a pretty intense ab and back circuit and we did 30 minutes of interval running (I wanted to die and I also thought my legs were going to fall off).

Ab circuit today was as follows :

1. Plank (we are working up to holding for a minute, but only have made it to 45 seconds so far)

2. I don't know the name of this, but it's stolen from P90X, you stand wider than hip width and keep knees straight. Hold weight and you start with weight below right knee (like you're picking up groceries off the floor), slowly (keep arms extended) you bring weight across the body and above the head and left shoulder (like you just put those groceries in the cupboard). 15 times each side. This works out abs and back pretty well..

3. Then on the ground for hip raises. 20 times.

4. Leg raises 20 times slowly and then holding the last rep with legs only 4 inches or so off the ground for 10 counts. it sucks.

Then we rinse and repeat three times!

After that, Dima gets to coach...since I hate cardio, he literally has to yell at me as we did 30 minutes of: walking two minutes, running 1 minute. I'm a pansy....we're working up to 1 minute walking, 1 minute running...but it's a work in progress people...

So, that was today. Now that I've been consistently working out AND my body has finally adjusted to waking up so early during the week, I have to say that I like this system and I'm confident that I can stick to it......especially with Dima kicking my ass out of bed with his snarky text messages at 530am.

Go me.

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